
Video Tutorials

Bandwidth limit reached

Last updated August 22, 2024

Bublup measures your bandwidth usage daily and monthly. Here are the current bandwidth limits, listed by plan. Please note that these limits are not guaranteed and may change from time to time.

Free Basic Standard Plus Premium Pro Business Enterprise
Daily Limit 50 MB 1 GB 100 GB 200 GB 300 GB 600 GB 600 GB
Monthly Limit 200 MB 5 GB 300 GB 750 GB 1 TB 2 TB 2 TB
Daily Limit 50 MB
Monthly Limit 200 MB
Daily Limit 1 GB
Monthly Limit 5 GB
Daily Limit 100 GB
Monthly Limit 300 GB
Daily Limit 200 GB
Monthly Limit 750 GB
Daily Limit 300 GB
Monthly Limit 1 TB
Daily Limit 600 GB
Monthly Limit 2 TB
Daily Limit 600 GB
Monthly Limit 2 TB

Bandwidth usage is always attributed to the owner of the folder where the content is stored, including group folders. Downloading or streaming content from a folder, shareable link, or roll affects the owner’s daily and monthly bandwidth limits.

Some examples:
  • If a member of your group folder downloads a 1 GB file three times, that will count as 3 GB of bandwidth used toward your daily and monthly limits.
  • If you watch a 5 GB video twice, it will count as 10 GB of bandwidth used.

You can always view your current usage and limits in My Info -> “Account” -> “My Plan & Storage”.


Note: Downloads and streaming from a group folder count towards the quota of the group folder owner.

Bandwidth usage is always attributed to the owner of the folder where the content is stored, including group folders. Downloading or streaming content from a folder, shareable link, or roll affects the owner’s daily and monthly bandwidth limits.

Some examples:
  • If a member of your group folder downloads a 1 GB file three times, that will count as 3 GB of bandwidth used toward your daily and monthly limits.
  • If you watch a 5 GB video twice, it will count as 10 GB of bandwidth used.

You can always view your current usage and limits in My Info -> “My Plan & Storage”.

Note: Downloads and streaming from a group folder count towards the quota of the group folder owner.

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