Earn credit towards your next bill by referring new users! Get up to $5 credit for each referral that results in a paid subscription.
Sharing Your Referral Link
- Click on “My Info” in the upper-left corner of the app.
- Click on “Rewards & Referrals” in the left-hand menu.
- Select “copy” to copy the link for pasting into a text or email, or pick “share” to directly share the link through social media. (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
Return to the “Rewards & Referrals” tab to check on your referrals and rewards.
Redeeming Your Referral Credits
Once a referred user has purchased a subscription, you will receive credit towards your next billing statement. Keep track of your pending and available credits in the app, as well as a list of which users you have referred.
Note: Currently, you can only redeem credits if you purchased your subscription plan through plans.bublup.com, not through the App Store or Google Play Store. To switch your plan provider, follow these instructions.
“Pending” Referral Rewards
Referral rewards will appear as pending in your account until a user has subscribed to a paid plan for at least 7 days (past the initial trial period).
Legacy Referral Program (Bonus Storage)
Prior to our current credit-based referral program, users were given bonus storage for referrals. If you participated in this program, you can still view your existing bonus storage and previously referred users. You are also still eligible to receive credit rewards for any new referrals going forward.