
Video Tutorials

Keyboard shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcuts to save time and increase efficiency when using Bublup.

If there’s something you’d like to have added to this list, please email support@bublup.com for consideration.

Shortcuts on Mac

Save any copied text as a note, or save a copied weblink into a folder

Create new note

Create new checklist

New link

Upload new image or video

New folder

Go back to parent folder

Go to search

Open new Bublup window

Save current webpage (must have Bublup’s extension installed)

Save current web page to Review Later (must have Bublup’s extension installed)

Save current web page to most recent folder (must have Bublup’s extension installed)

Exit current dialog

Shortcuts on Windows

Ctrl + Shift + V
Save any copied text as a note, or save a copied weblink into a folder

Ctrl + Shift + E
Create new note

Ctrl + Shift + K
Create new checklist

Ctrl + Shift + L
New link

Ctrl + Shift + I
Upload new image or video

Ctrl + Shift + F
New folder

Ctrl + Shift + <
Go back to parent folder

Go to Search

Ctrl + Shift + B
Open new Bublup window

Ctrl + Shift + S
Save current webpage (must have Bublup’s extension installed)

Ctrl + Shift + X
Save current web page to Review Later (must have Bublup’s extension installed)

Ctrl + Shift + A
Save current web page to most recent folder (must have Bublup’s extension installed)

Exit current dialog

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