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effective recipe

How to Take More Effective Notes

Whether sitting in a classroom lecture or attending a Zoom meeting, taking effective, practical notes can be challenging. If you’re writing too much, you can get lost in the live discussion. If you’re writing too little, on the other hand, you’ll likely find it...

bublup for teachers

The Ultimate Guide to Bublup for Teachers

"It’s quickly becoming popular with educators because of the seamless way it allows both teachers and students to view pertinent information. " Teachers and students alike are tired of confusing interfaces and looking for tools that suit the tech-savvy AND inept....

Daily Schedule To Increase Your Productivity

How to Make a Daily Schedule To Increase Your Productivity

It’s no secret that time management is critical to increasing your day-to-day productivity. But how you balance your routine makes a substantial difference in how much you can achieve in one day. Taking the time to make a daily schedule ensures that you’re spending...

how to be productive working from home

What Does Productivity Even Mean?

Let’s unpack the word, explore why the definition changes shape for different people, and how to use this information to be more productive in our own lives. You know when you say a word too many times and it loses all meaning? For a lot of us, the word...

Early Investments a Small Business Should Make

5 Early Investments a Small Business Should Make

When diving into a business, it may be slightly overwhelming to decide where to use your time, energy, and money most effectively. It can be especially difficult to navigate these early stages and scale your business appropriately if you’re a business novice. ...

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